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Writer's pictureEmy Hassan

Meet Alison, Our hair system competition winner

If you’ve been following us on social media, you’ll remember the lovely Alison, our competition winner from last year who won a free hair integration system. Well since then, she’s never looked back and she recently got married in Vegas!

I spoke to her about how her struggles with hair loss and how her hair system has changed her life.

The Hair Confidante (THC): When did you start suffering from hair loss?

Alison (A): My hair started falling out 13 days after my first FEC-T chemotherapy treatment for triple negative breast cancer. My hair never grew back after treatment, which I was told is rare.

THC: What solutions did you try before trying a hair system?

A: I tried lotions that you had to apply to your scalp to encourage hair growth, and I also tried shampoo treatments and wigs.

THC: What made you choose The Hair Confidante?

A: I saw a post from a lady on the Younger Breast Cancer Network (YBCN) Facebook page, and I thought I’d take a look. I noticed Emy was running a competition to win a hair integration system so I entered and couldn’t believe it when I won 1st prize!

THC: How did the hair system change your life?

A: It gave me my confidence back. I no longer had to worry about my wig blowing off and I felt amazing as I’d never had long hair before. Emy made me feel at ease from the moment I went for my consultation. I was overwhelmed with her generosity and kindness, and I felt extremely lucky. It has completely changed my life.

THC: Was the system easy to manage?

A: Yes, it was easier to manage than I thought. It’s easy to wash, though drying and styling it takes me a bit of time, but I absolutely love it.

THC: What advice would you give to people suffering from hair loss?

A: Go and see Emy! She will advise you on which hair loss solution is the best one for you. I wouldn’t be without my hair system now. It’s worth all the sacrifices to have such wonderful hair!

THC: And finally, huge congratulations on getting married! How did having a new hair system make you feel on the day?

A: Thank you! I felt beautiful, confident, and so much more feminine than I would have done wearing a wig. I was able to style my hair and it just felt so natural. I can’t thank Emy enough!

Do you want to start your journey to a hair loss solution?

If you are suffering from hair loss and the cause has been diagnosed by a doctor or trichologist, come and talk to us to find out how we can help.

We’ll discuss your hair loss and your options in a compassionate and understanding environment where your privacy is assured.

Contact us to book a consultation.

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